Hypnosis and NLP Events
Santa Cruz and Los Gatos
Breathwork Events: For thousands of years, mystical traditions of the world have utilized breathing techniques for healing and awakening to higher states of consciousness. The process itself is very simple and pure. A circular, connected, breathing rhythm will take you into self-exploration and non-ordinary state of consciousness.
Self Hypnosis Events: Hypnosis is a natural state of deep physical and mental relaxation. As you learn how to relax, you bypass the critical factor of the mind and soften into the Subconscious, which is a vast storehouse of memories, feelings and creative resources. Hypnosis is an enjoyable way to unlock the potential of your subconscious mind.
NLP Events: You will learn incredibly powerful personal growth techniques that will give you greater flexibility while being with others and more compassion for yourself. You will be able to effectively manage your thoughts and feelings no matter what is happening in your environment. Rainya’s mission is to help people learn NLP as efficiently as possible, and understand how to apply it in daily life.

Breath Workshops are a powerful tool for personal transformation, healing and reconnection to the true essence of who you are. With your True Self guiding the process, each session is unique to where you are on your life’s journey as old wounds, imprints, beliefs and dysfunctional patterns are released. A “transformed you” will experience the mystery of who you are.
Accelerate your own personal and spiritual growth. The power of the breath allows you to release imprints, old karmic patterns and limiting beliefs from the cells of your body. Invite more light into your body, heart and soul. Feel more love, peace and joy in your daily life.
Experience a two hour journey with a loved one. Connect deeply with your Authentic Self then with your partner. Evocative music and the power of the breath allows you to rise above the power struggle. Experience your true nature and see this in your partner.
Hypnosis is a gentle, yet powerful way to relax and release layers and layers of stress. You will learn simple and easy self-hypnosis processes to relax quickly. The more you relax the better you feel. Traveling into the subconscious mind you can recognize an old pattern, then change it at the core level, into positive, healthy choices. Giving your subconscious pictures, sounds, and feelings of what you DO want to create is empowering. Your thoughts and visions shape your destiny.
N neuro, the myriad of electrical synapses in your brain. L linguistics, language you use. Programming, the study of behavioral and cognitive patterns you use daily.
That being said, it’s about how the neurocircuitry of your brain is wired. You will learn how to rewire your brain and build a new model for a new experience. Installing new hardware in your brain needs repetition. Let’s get your actions to match your thoughts.
Experiential learning is my passion. You will learn how you will be empowered and heal yourself.